Healthcare LMS: A Premier Learning Management Solution

HealthCare Learning Management Platform

For an American Institute of dizziness and balance disorders revolutionizing healthcare professionals, patients and public’s engagement


We built this entire LMS with extended functionality America’s largest multi-specialty centers for evaluation and treatment of dizziness and balance disorders. AIB’s therapy programs are used by physicians, audiologists, and therapists worldwide. The project includes Webinars, Online Courses, Online Examinations, Credit Hours Management System, Certification, E-Signature, and a Custom E-commerce System. This application allows therapists to take practitioner courses and acquire certification valid across the United States.




Healthcare education



Key Features

The unified Learning management system helps patient, doctors and healthcare professionals to manage end-to-end business processes and provide efficient training programs.

Certification Management

Ability to provide online certification to the successful candidates

Doctor Dashboard

A dedicated portal for the doctors to create, assess and implement courses

Course Creation Module

Ability to create custom courses and generate PDF files

Student Dashboard

A dedicate portal for the students to take online courses and quizzes

Assessment Module

Ability to take online quizzes and grade accordingly

Cloud-based system

Enables virtual learning & teaching from any device, platform and connection to reinforce education anytime, anywhere

Ecommerce Module

The platform also has an online product catalogue integrated to payment gateway allow patients to buy healthcare products online

Admin Dashboard

An admin dashboard to allow controlling and managing all operations


      • No existing solution that offers a syllabus-oriented learning Platforms
      • Lack of any digital and interactive learning system to assist therapists to acquire certification
      • No data-driven mechanism to identify areas of strength and weakness in the training process
      • Manual and cumbersome method of providing lessons, assignments and assessment


We have developed an end-to-end learning management system that enables s day-to-day functions to be streamlined while encouraging self-paced learning among therapists. All this while saving time and money.

Program management

This application allows therapists to take practitioner courses and acquire certification valid across the United States in a hassle-free way

Dedicated portals

The dedicated portals allow admins, healthcare providers and students to streamline the course management processes and day to day activities allowing better productivity

Extensive Learning Modules

The project includes Webinars, Online Courses, Online Examinations, Credit Hours Management System, Certification, E-Signature, and a Custom E-commerce System

Reporting & feedback module

Makes generating and sharing daily performance & assessment reports with visual cues a breeze. Here, students, staff provide feedback for the lessons conducted to set the next course of action

Technologies Used

Results Achieved


Reduction in
Operational Costs


Increase in
Business Revenue


Increase in
No of Therapists
physicians enrolled

Project Snapshot

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