Forget about your product right now; it doesn’t matter how revolutionary your product is, if you have poor or no lead generation strategy in place. Because it’s true that an average product can outclass big names with failproof lead generation strategies and can transform itself into a brand that persuades, satisfies, and it all happens just because of one thing: A well planned system to generate Leads. Therefore – keep in mind – you need to have well-thought lead generation strategies to make yourself stand out in the competition. Otherwise, you’ll be on a road to become one of those startups and businesses that fail to grow, even though they’ve best products.
You don’t need to worry at all as I am going to share 5 fail-proof ways to generate more leads for your business. Let’s unpack them now:
1- Invest in new technology

Beyond a question, new technology is a trend-setter in the market. From browsing a website to connecting your friends on social media, we use either smartphones or tablets because this emerging technology is user-friendly and mobile. So, leveraging new technology is inevitable for businesses to skyrocket lead generation and help take product to the next-level.
Therefore, it is indispensable to invest in new technologies to drive your leads. They help you to reach to the customers in a short period of time, that’s impossible using traditional methods for generating leads.
As a matter of fact, it is hard-nut-crack to come with relevant targeted audiences for lead generation. But technology here solves this problem quite effectively. Take an example of Facebook Custom Audiences at this point: it eases up targeting users matching buyer personas of your existing customers, allows you to generate high quality leads and increase ROI, and believe it; possibilities are endless with emerging and disruptive technologies.
Alike finding relevant targeted audience, predicting customer behavior is complicated task for marketers. Again, investing in new technology surfaces as a saving grace as Artificial Intelligence uses predictive analytics to help companies, businesses and marketers to predict customers’ behaviors quickly and effectively.
2- Tap into Big Data
Big data is an emerging industry that is estimated to go bigger than $100 billion by 2020 has a great potential to help marketers in lead generation. It’s incalculably handy tool that provides quick and flawless insights related to anything: From personalized targeting to native marketing.
A big data is huge domain for marketers where they can benefit from loads of data analyzation and management tools to understand and apply strategies using data to escalate lead generation.
Data virtualization is also revolutionary approach that help marketers save their time and cost without compromising on their lead generation targets. Technically, it conveys immediate, relevant and factual information about targeted audiences in charts, animations and graphs. Undoubtedly, data virtualization really does ease up lead generation efforts for marketers.
If you’ve difficulty finding potential leads for business, you should try a huge database that maintains a list of companies with complete contact information. Plus, it will help you in identifying relevant and reliable leads in a brief period of time. Rest assured: offers a broad set of data which can contribute to increase your overall sales and lead generation.
Marketers come at ease to interact with people who showed their interest previously with retargeting technology. Retargeting shows custom leads as made as per their behaviors. Happily, this new technology has a moderate impact on collective behavior of consumers because they know the brand and they have visited it before. However, it depends up a brand or marketers how empathetic their lead generation is.
Retargeting Is Like Dating
Let’s take ‘Retargeting’ as a date. You can’t propose for a marriage to someone strange and random you saw minutes ago but you can ask for a date because you want to build an understanding first. This analogy of ‘Retargeting is a dating’ means that you should first build relationships with your customers, let them know you and they will definitely come back to you.
May someone comes to your website and goes away without buying anything. But it’s normal. However, you should keep retargeting them empathetically and help them find the best solutions. As a result, they will like you as you know them and are aware of their needs.
Bear in mind: Retargeting is a two-way street. You shouldn’t overstep boundaries and compel targeted audiences towards conversion right after a single website visit. Don’t act like stalker, be professional and don’t retarget them incessantly.
Therefore, with little effort and hands-on retargeting plan, we can improve and increase your lead generation.
4- Use Email Marketing

Email marketing contributes to direct engagement. It’s really result-driven in current online marketing scenario. It’s straightforward, quick and cost-effective method to generate and maintain qualified leads. However, there are few things which must be kept under consideration while constructing email content for lead generation:
A- Subject Line: Your subject line should be enticing, so that it could make the recipient ready to read. It should address genuine problems which potential lead is facing.
Important Note: Always write a humanistic and real subject headline, don’t let your email land into ‘Spam Folder’ of lead with phony headlines.
B- Concise: Prospects have limited attention span now. They don’t want to read gibberish email. Write concise but engaging emails and save your prospects’ time without compromising on the quality of a message.
C-Social Media: Don’t forget to incorporate social media links in your email. Because, a brand or product that is visible is quickly salable. Let them know and understand you by inviting them to your social media pages.
D- Images: Images are storytellers. 1000 words can’t describe a story which an image can deliver. It’s a good idea to incorporate images into your email. Hint: Always include lightweight images so that they couldn’t affect loading speed)
E- CTA: An email without CTA is like a ship without direction. A CTA (Call-To-Action) sets direction which is lead generation. Always incorporate CTA. You can do it on multiple places inside an email but don’t overdo.
5- Put Outbound and Inbound Marketing into Action
Although, Inbound marketing is a new normal now but Outbound marketing is still effective. It’s a healthy practice to deploy both approaches in a balanced manner. This way, you will be able to generate more leads that too within specified timeframe.
For Inbound marketing- personalize email communication with strategic and well-planned email marketing. Be active in online communities by sharing valuable and informative contents. Help your customers find quick and real solutions to their queries. All-in-all, this strategy will help you build healthy and long-lasting relationships with customers which will consequently lead to more leads.
For outbound marketing, you can implement other strategies as well. Like you can invite your leads to a trade show or event nearby where you can interact with them one-on-one or you can outreach to clients demographically via paid advertising. Well, deploy outbound and inbound marketing approaches, in both ways you can win your goal easily – More Leads.
Conclusion: 5 Ways to Increase Lead Generation for your Business
Business lead generation doesn’t happen instantly. It is NOT a black magic. Because, buying leads online can be a piece-of-cake but acquiring genuine leads takes efforts. To increase your lead generation, better invest in new technology, tap into big data, apply retargeting approach, use email marketing and put to use outbound and inbound marketing practices, and you will surely see your results going through the roof.